General regulations

Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelten für den Verkauf und die Lieferung durch den angeführten Verkäufer (Christoph Schantl). Insbesondere für den Verkauf per Internet. Abweichende Bedingungen haben nur Gültigkeit, wenn der Verkäufer ausdrücklich schriftlich zustimmt. Der Käufer erteilt seine Zustimmung, dass die im Kaufvertrag festgehaltenen Daten von uns automationsunterstützt gespeichert, verarbeitet und verwendet werden dürfen.


We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We process personal data collected during visits to our websites in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. Your data will neither be published by us nor passed on to third parties without authorization.


The listed prices are inclusive of VAT, unless otherwise expressly stated. The prices are ex warehouse of the seller. For shipping, shipping costs will be charged in addition to the price.


The acceptance of the order is subject to the delivery possibilities. The goods will be shipped by us within a reasonable period - after receipt of the order. If this period is significantly exceeded, the buyer has the right to set us a reasonable grace period and withdraw from the contract after the expiry of this period. Claims for damages due to delayed delivery are excluded.


Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass Pakete, die nicht direkt zugestellt werden können, häufig in einem Paketshop oder einer Abholstation hinterlegt werden. In diesem Fall erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung vom Versanddienstleister.

Bitte beachten Sie: Sollte das Paket nicht innerhalb der vom Versanddienstleister angegebenen Frist abgeholt werden, wird es an uns retourniert. In diesem Fall müssen wir Ihnen die gesamten Versandkosten in Rechnung stellen, einschließlich der Kosten für den ersten Versand, der Rücksendekosten und – falls gewünscht – der Kosten für einen erneuten Versand.

Um zusätzliche Kosten zu vermeiden, bitten wir Sie daher, die Sendungsverfolgung regelmäßig zu prüfen und Ihr Paket fristgerecht abzuholen.


The purchase price is due upon delivery at the latest. This also applies to partial deliveries. If the payment deadline is exceeded, interest on arrears in the amount of 10% will be charged. Dunning costs will be invoiced separately. Deductions will not be recognized.

Warranty and liability

The buyer is obligated to properly inspect the delivered goods and to report any defect immediately - visible defects immediately upon acceptance, hidden defects after discovery - enclosing the opened goods and the original invoice. Customary or minor deviations in quality, quantity, color, size, weight or design shall not constitute warranty defects or non-performance of the contract. In any case, any warranty claim shall expire after tasting, processing or treatment. The seller reserves the right to fulfill the warranty obligations either by delivery of defect-free goods, improvement, subsequent delivery of shortages or by repayment of the purchase price - within a reasonable period.

The seller is liable for damages only in case of intent or gross negligence. The liability is limited to the purchase price.

Place of performance and jurisdiction

Erfüllungsort ist der Sitz des Verkäufers (A – 8473 Weitersfeld an der Mur, Murfelder Straße 146). Gerichtsstand ist das Bezirksgericht Südoststeiermark. Es findet ausschließlich österreichisches Recht Anwendung.

Non-acceptance of the delivered goods

In case of non-acceptance of the goods by the buyer, the buyer shall in any case bear the shipping costs and the costs of return. The seller reserves the right to charge additional costs - according to expenditure.

Return of the goods

If the buyer is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act and he ordered the goods by mail, fax, telephone, e-mail or the online store, he can withdraw from the purchase contract within 7 days without giving any reason in writing or by returning the goods. The costs of the return and the shipping costs are to be borne by the buyer. The already paid purchase price will be refunded to the buyer less the mentioned costs.


Retention of title

The delivered goods remain our property until full payment.

Bank details

Payments may only be made to the following account:

RAIBA Mureck
BLZ: 38370
IBAN: AT72 3837 0000 0307 5884