The most awarded pumpkin seed oil of Styria directly from our farm!
Bei uns bekommen Sie ganzjährig frisch gepresstes „Steirisches Kürbiskernöl“ in Premiumqualität. Sie können unser vielfach prämiertes Öl sowie unsere Knabberkerne täglich (auch Sonn- und Feiertags) ab Hof oder online erwerben.
freshly pressed
vegan product
online shipping
Our seed oil is freshly pressed every week and contains no additives.
The PGI quality seal guarantees the origin from regional, Styrian cultivation.
The most awarded pumpkin seed oil in all of Styria.
Bei uns bekommen Sie ganzjährig frisch gepresstes „Steirisches Kürbiskernöl“ in Premiumqualität.
You can purchase our multi-award-winning oil as well as our snackable pumpkin seeds daily, including Sundays and holidays.
directly from the farm or online.
The elite among various healthy oils.
When you purchase our pumpkin seed oil, which bears the coveted designation 'Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil g.g.A.' (protected geographical indication), you can be assured of receiving a product of the highest quality.
Our carefully selected pumpkin seeds and the traditional production method guarantee not only a unique taste but also valuable ingredients for your health.
Discover the unparalleled delight and health benefits that our exclusive Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil offers.
safe and fast
convenient and safe
contact us at any time